Hi there! One of my projects (the not so fun part) is to slowly downsize all of my creative files (trash double files or the ones that I will not get to, organize folders to easily find them and list art or photography pieces for free or for purchase). I wanted to share this 8" x 10" wall art print with you and hope you enjoy. It's free to download. Just print from your personal computer or at a print shop. Happy inspirations!
Terms of Use: Files are for personal use and educational purposes only and they cannot be redistributed, copied or sold. All graphics, unless otherwise stated, and resources are creative property of Saroum V Giroux. Please view my current and complete Terms of Use for more details.
Since I was a young girl, I've had such a fascination with words and enjoyed writing poetry, journaling or putting my thoughts on paper. Realizing that it was due to my introversion that I find I express myself better on paper (or keyboard keys) than in spoken words was a relief. A few months ago I started to write poetry again and focused on Haiku poetry, as it uses less words but still challenges creativity. It was fun writing this haiku, and I hope that you enjoy reading my tribute to the winter season. "WINTER SNOW" |
HI, I'M SAROUM.I'm glad you're here! This is a place, when time permits, where I share some of my creative musings, side projects, inspirations, and images of what I'd like to remember. I hope your visit will encourage you creatively. Check out Doodle Thinks for my children's art resources.